It was a simple concept from the start: sustainable seafood and local vegetables, fruits, cheeses and wine. Bread from Blue Duck in Southampton and duck from Crescent Farm in Aquebogue. Scallops from the Peconic Bay and Paumanok Chardonnay on tap. We visualized the East End of Long Island as a giant green market -- everything we needed was grown or raised or caught or baked right here.
Some families had been farming this land and fishing these waters for four generations, while others were new and excited to be part of the growing movement -- back to the future. Intimately knowing the sources of our food, we knew when it was picked, who handled it, and how it traveled from there to here. We tried to keep the fingerprints and carbon footprint to a minimum.
Our menu was in continual flux, depending on the season, the catch of the day, and the whim of the chef. Michelin Star Chef Joe Isidori wanted to celebrate and explore the natural wonders of Long Island cuisine without sacrificing taste or originality. He adhered to the guidelines of both the Blue Ocean Institute and Monterey Bay Aquarium when selecting his fish.
The staff was dedicated to serving the terroir of the South Fork onto your plate and into your glass in the most gracious manner possible.
Thank you for joining us. We shall miss you.